I gave my thesis presentation with the rest of the computer science majors (below.)
At Bryn Mawr, we have what some would call a mantra: “done is good.” In a community of perfectionists, it can be difficult to let go and stop working on something, even if we are passionate about that something. It was tough to focus on my thesis presentation when I wanted to keep working on the apps even though I had already submitted, so it did not matter.

The resemblance between us (me below) is uncanny (kidding.)

Demoing my iOS app (web app hosted on https://esiegle.digital.brynmawr.edu)
As I watched all the thesis presentations (I was the first one to go), it was really neat to see how far everyone took their projects since we first began talking about them in Senior Seminar in late January. It was also cool to think of how far we’ve come since freshman year. I met Kara and Rachel in CMSC110 and went to my first hackathon with Rachel and Lexie. It’s crazy to see how things turned out, and that we all stuck together for so long.

Xuan Huang examining meshes in Game of Thrones

Lexie Zhang and Rachel Xu discussing Liquid Haskell

Kara Breeden thesising on robotics

Post-thesis picnic with (L-R) My Nguyen’20, Kennedy Ellison’19, Kara Breeden’18, Kellie Dinh’19
It was also a nice ending to celebrate the conclusion of theses with the department and classmates from other classes (mainly sophomores and juniors) who will be thesising soon. I remember seeing senior thesis presentations both last year and two years ago, thinking the seniors were so smart, cool, and accomplished! I hope those who watched our presentations thought the same.
